Oct 20, 2012

Borneo, Indonesia: Gundul was rescued! RE: Years On A Chain With No Companion – Please Write To The Borneo Orangutan Survival Foundation to Ask Them To Take Action!!!

Gundul and another orangutan named Joko have been removed from where they were and are on their way to an appropriate facility and will be appropriately cared for by the proper authorities including BOSF (Borneo Orangutan Survival Foundation)! A vet examined Gundul and estimates she is somewhere around 12-13 years old. Joko is about 5-6. The story of their rescue is here:

10/13 POST:

A link to discussion of the plight of poor chained Gundul whose mother was killed by the palm oil trade twenty years ago is on Facebook at this photo/thread.  If you would like to have Gundul saved, Please email  Jamartin Sihite, CEO, BOSF, bos_komunikasi@orangutan.or.id
Sean gave Gundul some fruit
Comprehensive information about Gundul is at the following blog post:
Borneo: 20 Years On A Chain With No Companion – Please Write To The BOSF And Ask Them To Take Action 

I signed Petition re Gundul at Change.org

And Gundul is not the only one suffering such misery. See:
Sign petition at Change.org re Orangutans and illegal maintenance in East Kalimantan

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