Three minutes of images speaking louder than words . . .
This short slide show of my images testifies to the astonishing marine biodiversity of Northern Vancouver Island and what is put at risk with projects like the Enbridge Northern Gateway Project which would bring super-tanker traffic of toxic bitumen and condensate to B.C.'s fragile coast, and to the waters on which we depend for oxygen, food, buffering of climate change gases, aesthetics and so much more.
I have submitted this slide show for inclusion on "Hope, the Whale", a 25' whale sculpture being brought to the Vancouver Enbridge public hearings (January 14 to 18, 2013) "to symbolize the expansive and growing community of people with a vision of an oil-free coast in BC. The sculpture is designed to be a welcoming, collaborative, visual, interactive and peaceful approach to supporting a healthy environment. The whale will amplify our a collective messages of hope and a vision for a healthy ocean, water, land, communities, green economy, cultures and people." See this link to contribute your message.
For more information, see my testimony to the Joint Review Panel included in my blog item "Super Natural or Super Tanker?" at this link.