Date: Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 7:41 AM
Subject: [Rescue-Me-Pet-Rescue] New rodenticide with bromethalin has no antidote-pet owners be warned!
Subject: [Rescue-Me-Pet-Rescue] New rodenticide with bromethalin has no antidote-pet owners be warned!
In the past if a dog ate rat poisoning the antidote was vitamin K. However according to Ahna Brutlag, DVM, MS, a diplomate of the American Board of Toxicology and assistant director of veterinary services for Pet Poison Helpline a new rodenticide using bromethalin has no antidote. There is no test, only necropsy to detect its presence--and no antidote.
We can blame the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for this change since it issued a decision prohibiting the use of second-generation or long-acting anticoagulants in residential settings. Manufacturers started using bromethalin in 2011 instead of anticoagulants in their products.
The effects of bromethalin poisoning is very quick usually within 24 hours as opposed to days with the old rodenticides. This means that veterinarians must act quickly to treat a pet. According to Brutlag, once the animal starts showing neurological signs--CNS stimulation or depression, abnormal behavior, ataxia, hyperesthesia, seizures, coma--successful treatment becomes more difficult and more expensive. An animal may have only a couple of days before succumbing. Even in successful cases treatment requires more emergency care and hospitalization.
As Brutlag explains, since there is no antidote, decontamination is the most important intervention.
The good news is that the manufacturer d-Con has refused to use the new rodenticide, and continues to use their original formula.
For more information please go to: http://veterinarynews.dvm360.com/dvm/Toxicology/New-rodenticide-without-antidote-alarms-pet-toxico/ArticleStandard/Article/detail/804032