Apr 13, 2014

LA: URGENT! SB 250 - TONY THE TIGER'S BILL - Contact your Senator

From: Marie-Françoise Bossard <mariefrbossard@gmail.com>
Date: Sun, Apr 13, 2014 at 8:40 AM
Subject: URGENT Fw: SB 250 - TONY THE TIGER'S BILL - contact your LA Senator


Hi all,

Please read the e-mail below and contact your Louisiana Senator ASAP to make sure Tony, the tiger who has been stuck in a cage in Grosse Tete and subjected to the fumes of a truck stop for years, gets a chance of finally being removed from this hell hole (like the 3 other captive tigers before him). This may be his last chance. You can read Tony's story here: http://freetonythetiger.wordpress.com/tonys-story/

Senate Bill 250, which "Exempts certain persons from the requirements of the big exotic cats rules" and would apply to Tony's owner, passed the Natural Resources Committee 4-2 (only nays were Sen. Morrell and Sen. Chabert) and will go to the Senate floor this coming week for a full vote by all members. Ask your Senator to vote NO on SB 250.

Photos by Big Cat Rescue

Here are some compelling reasons for your Senator to vote NO:
This is NOT the image Louisiana should present. Tourists do NOT come to our beautiful state to witness cruelty to animals and ignorance. it also serves as a deterrent to outside businesses who are looking into the possibility of settling in Louisiana, as it reflects very poorly on the population of our state.

Thanks for caring!

Marie Bossard

From: "COLAA.org" <colaa.org@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, 11 Apr 2014 22:47:11 -0500
To: COLAA<colaaorg@gmail.com>
Subject: SB 250 - TONY'S BILL

Tony's bill SB250 will be voted on this week by the Senate.  Please take a minute to thank Senator  J.P. Morrell and Senator
N Chabert
for voting against this bill in committee. To find your Senator, please Click Here.

Ask your Senator to vote NO on this bill; it's making exceptions for one individual.
It's our understanding that the Animal Legal Defense Fund is now involved and is going to help stop this bill, but they can't do it alone; they need US, concerned Louisiana citizens who care about animal welfare.

Coalition of Louisiana Animal Advocates
P.O. Box 91
Atlanta, LA  71404