From: "Julie R., Care2 Action Alerts" <>
Date: Aug 25, 2014 12:20 PM
Subject: The plan to destroy India's wild tigers
The Indian government has just approved a logging project that could devastate the country's struggling wild tiger population.
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The Indian government has just approved a logging project that could devastate the country's struggling wild tiger population.
Dear Liz,
The Bengal Tiger is one of the world's most beautiful and iconic species, but it is also one of the most endangered. There are now fewer than 1,500 of these great cats in the wild in India, their numbers dropping every year due to poaching, habitat destruction, and conflicts with humans. In just a few short decades, the Bengal Tiger may be completely extinct. So why did the government of the Indian state of Maharashtra just give the Forest Development Corporation of Maharashtra (FDCM) permission to clear-cut over 96,300 acres of critical tiger habitat? FDCM plans to replace this lush forest with with commercial teak and bamboo plantations, without any plans for wildlife management to protect the rare animals living there. Nearly 50,000 acres of the marked land is in Lendezari, a dense forest between the Pench and Nagzira tiger reserves that is home to at least 50 wild tigers and their cubs. That's right. The Indian government has decided to put profits over preserving a threatened species. Unless we act now, Lendezari will almost certainly be destroyed, along with India's last wild tigers. Tigers have already lost almost 76% of their Indian habitat over the last 100 years. We simply cannot allow them to lose any more. Sign the petition today to urge FDCM to leave this critical area of forest untouched.
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