Jan 4, 2015

World: Animals' Week in Review

cute german shepherd
From: "Animal Petitions" <please-help@animalpetitions.org>
Date: Jan 2, 2015 8:10 AM
Subject: Animals' Week in Review

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Animal Petitions


Success: Dog Saved From Being Euthanized

cute german shepherdA perfectly healthy pet dog was to be euthanized, cremated, and buried with his deceased owner, as requested by the owner in her will. Thank an animal welfare society for successfully adopting the dog and rescuing him from a pointless death.

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End Unethical Purchase of Animals for Research

animal testingResearch facilities may soon be required to only use animals for testing that come from licensed dealers and registered pounds or shelters, cutting down on pet theft and unethical breeders. Urge the House of Representatives to endorse this bill, which is a step in the right direction for animal health and safety.

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Demand Justice for Neglected Hippopotamus

800px-Hippopotamus_-_04A hippopotamus has died of severe injuries sustained from falls during transportation. Demand that the zoo is held accountable for its negligence, which included failing to obtain permits and timely veterinary care for the animal.

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Stop Mass Elephant Slaughter

elephants AfricaAfrican elephants die every day at the hands of poachers. Urge Africa's government to work tirelessly against illegal elephant poaching in order to help save this majestic species.

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Stop the Exploitation of Bears for Human Amusement

bear circusBears are exploited for entertainment in Russia at circus acts and birthday parties. Put an end to bear exploitation in Russia, and instead encourage respect for these intelligent carnivores.

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Protect Steller Sea Lions

Steller sea lionThe habitat of the endangered Steller sea lion is being threatened by the reintroduction of industrial fishing fleets. Please help reverse this decision and ban commercial fishing in the area to help protect this unique species.

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End the World's Largest Animal Sacrifice

hindu sacrificeThe world's largest animal sacrifice takes place every five years in Nepal, despite the protests of animal rights activists. Urge the government of Nepal to step in and put an end to this barbaric practice.

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Don't Allow Pony Abuser to Own More Animals

shetland-ponyA man recently dragged his pony behind a pickup truck and beat it repeatedly with a belt buckle. Although he was charged with animal cruelty, he should not ever be allowed to own animals again. Please sign this petition to remove his right to own animals.

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Praise High School Students for Saving Endangered Turtles

7467175608_ff9c768d1b_bDiamondback terrapin turtles have been nearing extinction for the last century but they now have a chance at survival due to the efforts of high school students, who helped influence legislation to prohibit their capture. These students deserve our praise for their persistent efforts.

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Demand Justice for Abused Pregnant Dog

dog-186222_640Mexican gang members are responsible for trying to blow up a pregnant dog with fireworks. Sign the petition to encourage authorities to arrest and charge those involved with this deplorable crime.

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Applaud Removal of Exotic Animals from Mall Zoo

vulpesvulpesWild animals from a cramped mall zoo will be transferred to sanctuaries, zoos, and rescue operations across the country. Praise the city's efforts to find better homes for all 31 animals.

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Applaud Filmmaker for Exposing Cruel Pig Farm

pig farmA filthy pig farm has been exposed thanks to a video captured by a filmmaker's drone. Applaud the filmmaker for bravely documenting the effects of factory farming on animals, people and the environment.

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Help Laying Hens Live Better Lives

chicken eggsLaying hens in California have been granted larger enclosures, but one county plans to rely on community reports to address violations of the new law. It is unlikely that citizens will have access to many egg farms; urge the county to strictly enforce the law to better hens' lives.

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