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From: Bill McKibben, The Sanders Institute <info@sandersinstitute.com>
Date: Fri, Apr 20, 2018, 7:00 AM
Subject: 100% Renewable Energy is Within Our Reach
From: Bill McKibben, The Sanders Institute <info@sandersinstitute.com>
Date: Fri, Apr 20, 2018, 7:00 AM
Subject: 100% Renewable Energy is Within Our Reach
The world cannot afford to continue to rely on fossil fuels. Scientists now tell us that at current rates, within a decade we'll likely have put enough carbon in the atmosphere to warm the earth past the Paris climate targets. We are running out of time.
Cities and states around America are already moving towards this goal. Countries around the world are outpacing us: transport in the Netherlands is run increasingly on wind power, Santiago's train system will run entirely on solar power soon, China can power provinces the size of Texas for a week straight.
The technology to implement 100% renewables already exists and we have public opinion on our side. A majority of Americans favor government action to increase the development of renewable energy.
Corporate interests and politics stand in our way. I know we can overcome them. We must.
Thanks for staying engaged,
Bill McKibben