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Date: Tue, Apr 17, 2018, 1:02 AM
Subject: Whoops! Corrected ALBATROSS donate link
Greetings ALBATROSS friends,
We are beyond thrilled by your response to our announcement about the film and our new website! We heard from some of you that the donate link in our previous email wasn't working properly (thank you for trying by the way!). We have remedied the issue and wanted to send a quick email, with the new link.
So if you still wish to amplify the healing vibe of ALBATROSS, you can donate here.
Your support and generosity of spirit, in every way you contribute to helping Albie soar, is so deeply appreciated.
Also, as we are working outside of traditional commercial distribution channels, please feel free to share the website and announcement within your social networks. Together we can help Albie take off and fly!
~With warm regards from CJ and the ALBATROSS team 