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Dear Liz,
This weekend marks the start of World Week for Animals in Laboratories. Throughout the week, compassionate people around the globe will take action on behalf of the animals in cages being subjected to the unthinkable, all in the name of science that has proven to be cruel and wasteful.
Remembering the lives of these animals is the least we can do to honor them. The best thing we can do: end the exploitation of animals in the name of science and bring their suffering to an end for good.
On Tuesday, April 24—World Day for Animals in Laboratories—we'll be premiering a new short video, "3 Reasons to End Animal Experimentation Now." This video illustrates the cruelty, waste and faulty science of animal experimentation in a quick and easy-to-understand way. We hope that you'll join us in commemorating World Day for Animals in Laboratories by sharing our video with your friends, family and colleagues to help spread the word and increase awareness of this important issue many may not know enough about.
You can also help us in advance of our video premiere by sending in your donation today. Your gift will help continue to spread the word about the animals suffering in cages today, as well as help pass humane legislation and support smarter science that will keep animals out of laboratories and research facilities into the future.
Keep an eye on your inbox, and connect with us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram for more about World Week for Animals in Laboratories, and to be the first to watch our new video!

Peggy Cunniff Executive Director
National Anti-Vivisection Society
53 W. Jackson Blvd., Suite 1552
Chicago, IL 60604
800.888.NAVS (312.427.6065)