From: Bill McKibben, The Sanders Institute <info@sandersinstitute.com>
Date: Wed, Aug 15, 2018, 6:45 AM
Subject: What Can I Do?
Every day, people ask me – what can I do to fight climate change? There are many actions that each one of us can take now and throughout our lives, from bicycling to work to installing solar power. But the biggest thing that anyone can do to fight climate change is to become a little less of an individual.
Individually, we can reduce each of our carbon footprints slightly. Individually, we can use less electricity and not rely on fossil fuels… But together, we can save the planet.
Together, we can make governments, institutions, and corporations divest from fossil fuel. Together, we can elect candidates who vow to keep carbon in the ground. And together, we can use our collective voice to move our local communities, states, and nation to 100% renewable energy.
Be a part of the movement. Please join me at the Rise for Climate, Jobs & Justice global day of action this September 8th. You can find an event near you at riseforclimate.org.
In Solidarity,
Bill McKibben
Sanders Institute Founding Fellow
Sanders Institute Founding Fellow