Illustration by LillyCantabile at
Not all animal care groups stand up for the wolves as they should. Please contribute to the wolf legal fund of one organization that does.
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Kierán Suckling, Center for Biological Diversity <>
Date: Tue, Oct 30, 2018, 5:11 AM
Subject: Breaking: Shameful Eradication of a Whole Wolf Family
Give now to join our fight for wolves.
Hi Liz, A six-month-old pup and his father, believed to be the last two wolves from the Old Profanity Territory pack in Ferry County, Wash., are soon to be killed by state-sanctioned snipers.
(Photo of wolf with cub by Shutterstock)
This pack was already decimated in September when the state killed the other pup and the mother wolf. This new kill order will wipe out the only two remaining members of this wolf family. Please give to our Wolf Defense Fund so we can stop these cruel killings and save wolves from persecution. We're fighting in the courts to shut down Washington's lethal wolf protocol, because it's sick and it's wrong. The state's bloodlust for wiping out wolves knows no bounds. It approved these latest killings at the behest of a rancher who has kept his livestock on public lands past the date he was legally required to remove them. He failed to implement key conflict-prevention measures like moving all his cattle away from wolf-use sites, moving a salt block to stop drawing cattle in, or removing injured calves. But the state doesn't care. Since 2012 Washington has killed 21 state-endangered wolves, 17 of which were killed for the same livestock owner. The slaughter of the Old Profanity Territory pack follows the destruction of the Profanity Peak pack in 2016, the Sherman pack last year and the Wedge pack in 2012. Earlier this year Washington also killed the father wolf of the Togo pack, leaving his mate to raise their two pups on her own. Our heart breaks for each and every wolf killed. We can't and won't tolerate the mindset that sees these living creatures as expedient hurdles to industry profits. Give to our Wolf Defense Fund today. Trump and Congress want to strip away endangered species protection from wolves in the lower 48 and make it legal to shoot wolves almost anywhere in America. It's a sick move that would turn over gray wolf management to states that would allow wolves to be shot and trapped with impunity by trophy hunters and livestock owners. What's happening in Washington state could happen elsewhere if wolves lose their federal protection, or don't have the recovery plan they need to survive. We're fighting for each and every wolf and each and every pack — and we're ramping up like never before to end this brutal slaughter of wolves for good. Please join us by making a gift today to our Wolf Defense Fund. For the wild,
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Kierán Suckling Executive Director Center for Biological Diversity
P.S. Monthly supporters who give steady gifts of $10 or $20 power the Center's swift and continued action to save wolves. Do your part by starting a monthly donation.