Dear wolf advocate:
FANTASTIC NEWS IN MN: Yesterday was an epic day! The Minnesota House of Representatives voted to prohibit wolf trophy hunting in Minnesota! Congratulations and thank you to everyone who reached out to their legislators - now and in the past. We know it made a difference for the vote and the wolf. See how your House member voted and our media statement here.
The wolf hunting prohibition is part of a large environment bill in the House and will be negotiated with the state Senate.
FEDERAL WOLF DELISTING: The U.S. Department of Interior continues their quest to remove Endangered Species Act protections for all wolves in the United States and is taking public comments until May 14. Delisting puts their fate in the hands of many states who could implement hunting and trapping seasons immediately. Clearly this will be a death sentence for many wolves. Howling For Wolves stands for continued federal protections to ensure the wolf's long-term survival.
- Wisconsin U.S. Senator Ron Johnson (Republican) is holding an open, public meeting to hear comments on the proposed delisting. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services staff will be there, along with many local decision-makers. The event is from 10 AM to 1 PM this Friday, May 3, at Hudson House Grand Hotel, 1616 Crest View Drive, Hudson, WI, which is very near the Twin Cities, Minnesota. There will be a short presentation, and then the audience will have an opportunity to make statements. This is not a question/answer forum. Please attend if you can and make a short comment against the delisting.
- Wolf supporters are holding a public hearing on the delisting in Sacramento, California this Thursday, May 2. Details are available here.
- Wolf supporters are holding a public hearing in Portland, Oregon on Monday, May 6. Details are on their Facebook page here.
You can oppose the federal delisting on the Howling For Wolves TAKE ACTION website (top link). We have prepared a customizable comment - and encourage you to add your own personal statement as well. Our system will automatically submit your comment for you. If you're a business owner, please add your name to this group letter opposing federal wolf delisting.
Congratulations on a great win in Minnesota.
-Maureen Hackett, MD
President and Founder, Howling For Wolves |