I recommend support of the Center for Biological Diversity if you are able to.
--- Forwarded message ----
Quintin Mecke, Center for Biological Diversity <mobilize@list.biologicaldiversity.org>
Date: Mon, Dec 16, 2019 at 5:35 AM
Subject: Thanks for Being a Powerful Voice for the Wild in 2019
Join us in 2020 to keep the pressure on.
Hi Liz,
Our grassroots power is working. You really stepped up this year — and in 2020 we're going to need you more than ever. It'll be our biggest year yet for wildlife and wild places.
Together, in 2019, we:
- Gathered more than 64,000 handwritten comments to protect wolves and defend the Endangered Species Act;
- Hosted more than 581 events nationwide to protect wildlife and the planet with more than 5,000 people signing up to attend;
- Sent more than 655,000 individual texts to support our campaigns;
- Brought together 2,000 people in online campaign calls to get involved more deeply;
- Held more than 100 meetings at local congressional offices;
- Made more than 5,000 calls to decision-makers.
We can't thank you enough for all your hard work in 2019, and we hope you'll continue to fight with us in 2020 when we launch our extinction crisis campaign in January.
We're in the midst of a staggering wildlife extinction crisis. Scientists estimate that every day some 150 species of animals and plants disappear forever. More than 1 million species are on track to go extinct in the coming decades, according to the United Nations. It's up to us to take action and get our decision-makers to do everything possible to halt the extinction crisis.
2020 will be a critical, historic juncture for setting us on a path toward saving the diversity of life on Earth.
We need you next year more than ever — RSVP today for our 2020 kick-off campaign call.
For the wild,
 | Quintin Mecke
National Organizing Director Center for Biological Diversity |
 | The Center for Biological Diversity
PO Box 710, Tucson, AZ 85702 |