Baby cows left to freeze to death 
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Dear Liz, Forced to live outside and exposed to the bitter-cold winter, newborn calves were filmed suffering, with some freezing to death. Animal Equality's first-ever undercover investigation in the US revealed extreme cruelty at Summit Calf Ranch. Our investigators witnessed the prolonged suffering of newborn calves...workers shoving, jabbing and hitting calves with objects and workers conducting procedures on calves using hot irons without anesthetic….These babies live their lives in constant agony. Only days old, Maggie (pictured above) and the thousands of other calves on the farm are forced to endure harsh conditions, severe injuries, and violent deforming procedures. She is taken away from her mother only moments after being born, never to see her again. Maggie will never get to play with other cows or freely graze. If she does not die from dehydration, illness, or the harsh weather, she will be sent to a dairy farm where she will spend her life being forcibly impregnated, enduring the tragedy of her babies taken from her, just like her mother, until she is deemed useless by the dairy industry. Animal Equality works each day to ensure that farmed animal cruelty is brought to light and exposed to the masses. Will you join us in the fight against animal cruelty and support this critical work?
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Investigations are the most powerful tool we have to expose the cruel and abusive treatment of animals inside the secretive world of industrial animal agriculture. Our investigations are vital to our work and act as a foundation for Animal Equality campaigns.
Help us work to end animal suffering by making a generous donation today. Each dollar donated now until the end of the year will be instantly DOUBLED by a generous supporter. |
Without your help, we would not be able to expose these cruel industries.
Please act now, the animals need you.
Thank you, | |
Sharon Nuñez
President, Animal Equality