Tell Congress:
"COVID never went away, and the pandemic is getting worse. We need to keep people at home, and in their homes. Enact a moratorium on evictions and provide emergency rental assistance so people are able to pay their rent."
States around the country are reporting record COVID cases. It's not a second wave―the first one never ended.
As was true in March, we need people to be able to maintain social distancing, and wear masks. But Congress has refused to help working people, shoveling billions into secret corporate bailouts while doing nothing to keep people in their homes. If they don't act, the moratorium on evictions will expire and hundreds of thousands of Americans will be out on the street in the middle of a pandemic.
Our government's casual attitude towards the pandemic is shameful. Thousands are dying unnecessarily, and the President has decided to "focus elsewhere"--even planning to hold indoor rallies filled with seniors, and making them sign waivers in case they are infected. Republicans don't care, but Democrats aren't doing much better.
Thank you,
Mike Phelan Progress America