From: Annemarie Botzki - WeMove Europe <>
Date: Sat, Oct 9, 2021, 2:10 AM
Subject: Saving the climate with agriculture - Webinar Recap
It sparked so much hope in me to connect with the WeMove Europe community from across the continent and together learn about the power and potential of regenerative agriculture.
You might remember that we suffered a loss a few months ago when EU leaders signed the bad agriculture deal – A deal that funds industrial farms that use huge amounts of pesticides. [1] But that didn't stop us!
350 of us came together to work on an alternative to this bad deal. In an inspiring webinar, we found out: yes – we can restore fertility to our soils, save animals from extinction and fight climate change. The solutions are out there and many people are already working on them.
In case you missed the webinar, or you joined and want to have another look, please find the link here:

We heard from Fabio Volkmann from Climate Farmers and Nick Jacobs from the International Panel of Experts on Sustainable Food Systems (IPES-Food). Links to their presentation are available above.

Book, Links and Studies: We made a collection of the links that were shared by you and the speakers.
Many of us are worried that industrial agriculture will continue fueling the climate crisis, degrade our soil, and kill animals like bees, butterflies, and birds.
But the speakers helped us understand: Farms and fields can be turned into spots of hope for our birds and bees. We can imagine large trees that house thousands of insects and protect our soil and water. Trees can absorb huge amounts of climate heating gases and farmers could actually make a decent living by farming in a regenerative way.
But do enough people know about this enormous potential? Now we want to take this idea one step further, share it with communities across Europe and put this idea on the desks of EU decision makers! Stay tuned.
Annemarie Botzki and the WeMove Europe team
WeMove Europe is a community of people from all walks of life, who call Europe our home,
no matter where we were born, where we live or who we love. In the name of a brighter future for people and the planet,
we come together to sign petitions, send letters and protest on the streets to make our voices heard.
Our power comes from each other. And it's thanks to small monthly donations, fivers and tenners, that we can keep going.
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