Oct 26, 2021

International: The group Scientists Warning Europe Invites More Signatories/videos ahead of November Climate Conference

Photo by Louis Reed on Unsplash

Please see the following tweet from @SWEurope and participate by signing the scientists' paper and/or submitting your video, or sharing the tweet if you would like to promote the effort. Wikipedia has great explanatory pages about the conference to be held in Glasgow next month - https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2021_United_Nations_Climate_Change_Conference

Scientists Warning Europe (@SWEurope_) Tweeted: 
🌏 ALL scientists from across the world are welcome and invited to sign this important paper.

Including those who graduated in natural, political, social, medical/health, engineering, economic, educational, or behavioural sciences.

Join us now!
https://t.co/AiENpoEgCz https://twitter.com/SWEurope_/status/1451601794560401408?s=20