Billions of bees are dying -- and the EU just reapproved a bee-killing pesticide for another 7 years...even though it pledged to phase it out!
Over 20% of bee species threatened with extinction are native to Europe -- and it's frightening to imagine the devastation another 7 years of this pesticide would cause.
But thanks to a new law, people like you and me and NGOs can now challenge pesticide approvals in the EU's supreme court. If we win, we could force the EU to ban this pesticide for good.
Our partners at PAN Europe are ready to go to court -- but they need money to fund the case. If we all chip in just a small amount, we can power their case and keep campaigning to save the bees, before it's too late.
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Endocrine disrupting pesticides like the newly reapproved #Cypermethrin are no joke. They're not only toxic to bees, but they can disrupt human hormones too, creating significant health risks. And by getting into the food we eat, the water we drink, and even the air we breathe, they can also impact unborn fetuses!
The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) couldn't have been clearer about the danger of Cypermethrin. They went so far as to say that NO mitigation measures could make it safe to bees.
But instead of taking that advice, EU Member States listened to the mighty pesticide lobby and voted to reapprove this poison.
Our case is simple. The EFSA made a clear recommendation that the EU Commission wanted to follow, but Member States -- and the pesticide lobby! -- forced the hand of the Commission to do something illegal. And now thanks to a new law, we can file a suit with the EU's highest courts and do something about it.
PAN Europe knows how to win cases like this, and have time and time again. But they need cash to file the lawsuit and cover legal fees for the long battle ahead.
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Together we've gone toe-to-toe against pesticide giants in court before -- and won. Let's do it again.