After another challenging year, I hope that the festive season will help to reinvigorate a sense of hope, possibility and connectedness, for you and those around you. Here at Animals Australia, we are channelling these feelings into our transformative work for animals across the country, and the globe.
Our latest public campaign — Join the Evolution — the highly-anticipated culmination of our little hero pig's magical journey from factory farm to freedom, is beautifully highlighting the pathway to a kinder world. There is more on this powerful campaign in the update below, along with other examples of how caring people, like you, are transforming the world for animals.
Thank you for being part of this compassionate movement.  | | For the animals,  Lyn White AM Animals Australia | 'Protected' seals shot at and bombed in Australian salmon farming Beanbag 'bullets', cracker devices and shotguns — no, this isn't a war zone. These are fish farms. Learn more about the shocking impact they have on the environment, the harm they cause to native animals, and the simple but powerful way you can take action. | Join the Evolution — your free guide It has been twelve months since our loveable little pig took flight across our TV screens, singing 'Somewhere... there's a place for us...'. And he is back. The final and unforgettable chapter of this powerful story — Join the Evolution — is now airing across the country. We all share the deepest desire to bring the suffering of these beautiful animals to end — and by acting together, we can transform their world. | Kangaroo cruelty highlighted on ABC's 7.30 Government-sanctioned kangaroo killing has been largely hidden from the public eye – carried out as darkness falls across the country. Now, the shocking treatment of our native icon has been given more of the urgent attention it deserves in a confronting ABC 7.30 report. | Dairy factory farm threat in Australia The hidden story of dairy 'production' is already one of suffering. Mother cows are treated as nothing more than milk-producing machines, forced to experience repeated pregnancies and separation from their calves. Now, the industry is going a step further with plans to expand dairy 'factory farms'. Thankfully, we have the power to shape a brighter future for cows and calves, starting now. | Climate cop-out at COP26 — what can we do about it? Our current food system is a major contributor to global greenhouse gas emissions, and responsible for the suffering of billions of farmed and native animals each year. Even though Australia's government has failed to commit to act, we have the power help Australia's future. In fact, an ever-increasing number of Aussies are already taking charge... | Animals International launch ground-breaking music campaign in Romania Sheep in Romania have been given a powerful voice as the team at Animals Australia's global arm, Animals International, launch 'Save MioriČ›a'. Inspired by the reimagined version of a beloved traditional ballad, thousands of caring Romanians have already taken action, calling on their government to ban the live trade. | The least I can do is speak out for those who cannot speak for themselves. — DR JANE GOODALL — Animal protection awards — open now Nominations are now being accepted for several Animal Justice Foundation awards, including The Peter Singer Award for Lifetime Achievement and the Animals Australia Award for Effective Advocacy. Help acknowledge a passionate advocate — nominate them today. | Lobsters & octopuses 'feel pain' — United Kingdom laws updated Octopuses, lobsters and crabs will receive greater protection in UK law following a report which demonstrates that there is strong scientific evidence — from over 300 studies — that these animals have the capacity to experience pain, distress or harm. | Australian prawn farms still cutting the eyes off live prawns Years after we exposed this horrific routine practice, the Australian prawn industry has apparently made no moves to follow an overseas example in phasing it out. Female prawns are still enduring having their eyes cut off with no pain relief, to force them to breed. | Your compassionate festive gift guide Searching for the perfect gifts? From wearable art and gift cards that sprout flowers, to advent calendars for our furry companions — get ready to cross names off your list. | FESTIVE FEASTS: inspiration for your plant-rich spread For countless sensitive and feeling animals like pigs, turkeys and lobsters, who otherwise face a sad fate at the slaughterhouse or in a boiling pot of water, enjoying delicious plant-based celebrations is just about the most powerful gift of compassion we can give them. And if you're keen for more dishes to add to your culinary repertoire — we're here to help your kitchen adventures along with hundreds of delicious and nutritious recipes for breakfast, lunch, dinner and dessert (and everything in between) at |    | |